Usually, all you need to do to upgrade from version 3.xx to LionClock 2011 is to run the new setup file. By default, LionClock 2011 and later will be installed to the same location as LionClock version 3.xx. All of your existing data and settings will remain intact after the upgrade.
However, below is the suggested way to upgrade from LionClock version 3.xx to LionClock 2011 or later:
1) Prior to upgrading, open old version 3.xx and make a backup of your data, by using the "Manage - Backup Data" menu
2) Keep the backup file in a safe place
3) Install the new version
4) All of your existing data and settings will remain intact after the upgrade.
5) If after installing the new version you no longer see your employee data and settings, go to "Manage - Restore Data - Restore Data from Backup" menu.
6) When asked, point to the backup file created in step 1
7) Your data including program options, employee info and time files will then be restored.
If you followed these instructions and could not make it work, email us at with as many details about your problem as possible and we will do our best to help you.