Time analysis and other reports  
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Many useful reports can be accessed via the Reports - Time Analysis and Other Reports... menu.

time analysis reports

Create report for
This drop-down box allows you to specify if the report will include all of your employees or just the employees who belong to a specific shift/department. This could be especially useful for the Tardy report. In fact, if your employees are split into many shifts, you should assign them to different shifts in LionClock. This way, when creating a Tardy report, you can specify the expected arrival and departure time that corresponds to each shift. Read more about setting up shifts and assigning shifts to your employees.

Pay Period
To make sure the reports are created properly, you have to select the right pay period. Keep in mind that reports include completed punches only. If an employee is still clocked IN, his current hours won't appear on the report.

Report Options

bullet Include SSN number: check this option to include employee Social Security Numbers on your reports. To enter an SSN for each employee, select the employee and go to Manage - Modify Employee Info menu.

bullet Include company address: this could be useful if you intend to send or fax your payroll reports to your accountant. You can modify the address by going to the Manage - Options menu.

bullet Exclude employees with no working hours: check this option to avoid printing reports for employees who did not work during the specified pay period. If their number of working hours is zero, they will not appear on the payroll report.


Overtime Report - A very useful reports that shows you at a glance all of the overtime hours for your employees for a given period.

Approaching Overtime Report - Using this report you can instantly see who is approaching overtime for a given week.
Please note that this report option is disabled if you company doesn't use weekly overtime. This can be adjusted on the Payroll tab in LionClock options.

Birthday Report - this report allows you to instantly see the upcoming birthdays and plan accordingly.

Tardy Report - this report helps you pinpoint employees who tend to come to work late or go home early. This report may be used as a tool by company managers or supervisors to review employees' attendance habits to make accurate employee attendance evaluations and reviews.

If your employees are split into many shifts, you should assign them to different shifts in LionClock. Then, you should create separate Tardy reports for each shift by specifying the expected arrival and departure time that corresponds to each shift. Read more about setting up shifts and assigning shifts to your employees.