There are 2 ways to remove an employee from the employee list:
Deactivating an employee removes an employee from the list seen by other employees, but the administrator can still see him. We recommend that you always use this option for employees who no longer work for your company. This way, you keep all the information about this employee and have the ability to create a payroll report for all the previous pay periods.
To deactivate an employee, select his name from the list and go to Manage - Modify Employee Info. Then, put a checkmark in Deactivated employee. When you turn off administrator options, the deactivated employee will no longer appear in the list.
This option is also very useful if you need to deactivate an employee temporarily. Once he comes back, just uncheck the Deactivated employee box and his name will become visible again.
Deleting an employee permanently removes an employee from LionClock 2011. To permanently delete an employee, select his name from the list and go to Manage - Delete An Employee.
Tip: If you accidentally deleted an employee this way, keep in mind that his time file has not been deleted and can be restored. To do that, you need to add this employee again by going to the Manage - Add An Emlployee menu. In order for this restore procedure to work, you need to enter the employee name exactly as you originally entered it.