Multiple payroll report  
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The multiple payroll report screen allows you to create a report for all your employees at once or all employees who belong to a specific shift/department. It can be accessed via the Reports - Multiple Payroll Report menu.

Create payroll report for
This drop-down box allows you to specify if the report will include all of your employees or just the employees who belong to a specific shift/department.

Pay Period
To make sure the reports are created properly, you have to select the right pay period. Keep in mind that reports include completed punches only. If an employee is still clocked IN, his current hours won't appear on the report.

Report Style

Summarized Report
Displays regular, overtime and total earnings for all employees on the same page.

Detailed Reports
Creates a separate report for each employee. The following styles are available:

prcarrow Daily Hours: a payroll report that displays a list of dates with the corresponding working hours.

prcarrow Time Card: a payroll report that displays all IN and OUT entries for the selected pay period in form of a time card.

prcarrow Commented Time: a payroll report that displays all IN and OUT entries as well as comments recorded for each entry (if any comments were recorded).

Report Options

bullet Include SSN number: check this option to include employee Social Security Numbers on your reports. To enter an SSN for each employee, select the employee and go to Manage - Modify Employee Info menu.

bullet Include employee address and tax withholding info: check this option to include employee's address, contact info and basic tax withholding information on your reports. To adjust this info for each employee, select the employee and go to Manage - Modify Employee Info menu.

bullet Include company address: this could be useful if you intend to send or fax your payroll reports to your accountant. You can modify the address by going to the Manage - Options menu.

bullet Exclude employees with no working hours: check this option to avoid printing reports for employees who did not work during the specified pay period. If their number of working hours is zero, they will not appear on the payroll report.