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This tab allows you to modify the look and behavior of LionClock 2011's user interface.

Employee List Mode
In this mode, the main screen will display a list of all employees, allowing them to clock IN and OUT by selecting their name and using the punch buttons as illustrated here.

In this mode, you can require your employees to enter their personal identification numbers (PINs) before they can clock.

Keypad Mode
In this mode, your employees can clock IN and OUT by entering their badge number, as illustrated here. If you don't want your employees to see the names and current status of other people working in your company, you should use this mode since no employee list is displayed.

Leaving a comment
You can enable your employees to leave a brief comment each time they clock IN, OUT or in both cases. An employee can use the comments to specify the reason for leaving early or being late. It can also be used to inform the manager about his current location or the status of a job he was working on.

Display Time
By default, the main screen will display the system time using the civilian time format, such as 04:35 PM. Please note that this option only changes the way time will be displayed on the main screen and on payroll reports. When editing employee time entries using the Time Editor, you will work with military time since that is how time entries are recorded.