Use this option if both LionClock and QuickBooks are installed on the same computer. Follow these steps to create a connection:
1) Open your company file in QuickBooks as usual
2) Open LionClock and go to Manage - QuickBooks Synchronizationmenu
3) QuickBooks will then display the following screen:
4) Select option number 4 as shown, put a checkmark next to "Allow this application to access personal data..." and click Continue...
5) QuickBooks will then display the following confirmation screen:
6) Click Done and LionClock will be connected to QuickBooks for the first time. You will see a green status message confirming your connection:
7) Now, we just have to tell LionClock to connect to your company file without neceseraly having to open QuickBooks every time. To do that, click the Configure connection to QuickBooks button. The following screen will appear:
8) Click the Current File button and then the Save button.
9) Click the Test Connection button to confirm that it works.
10) Click the Save button to save these settings.
Congratulations! LionClock can now export time entries directly to QuickBooks.