Use the Manage - Add An Emlployee menu to add a new employee. To modify the info of an existing employee, select his name and go to Manage - Modify Emlployee Info.
The employee record screen features the following fields:
Required Info - Employee Information
Full name
Employee's name that will be displayed on the employee list and payroll reports.
Department or shift
Assigning different departments (or shifts) to your employees allows you to create payroll reports specific to certain categories of employees. In case you would like to modify the default department names, you can do so from the Departments/Shifts tab in the Manage - Options menu.
Badge/employee ID
Your employees can clock IN and OUT by entering their badge number (also called employee ID) when LionClock 2011 is used in keypad mode. If you don't intent to use this feature, just keep the default value. Badge numbers are unique (two employees cannot have the same badge number) and should not be confused with PIN numbers. Badge numbers also allow your employees to clock IN and OUT without using computer's keyboard and mouse. Instead they can use magnetic cards which makes clocking much more secure. If you are interested, here is a detailed explanation.
PIN number
LionClock 2011 can be configured to ask for a personal ID number each time an employee clocks IN/OUT or wants to see his working hours. This prevents other employees from clocking for their friends.
To make LionClock 2011 ask for PIN numbers, go to Manage - Options menu and check the Require employees to enter their PINs option on the Interface tab. LionClock 2011 will now be asking for a PIN each time someone wants to clock IN or OUT.
When setting up LionClock 2011 for the first time, use the Badge and PIN numbers report to provide all your employees with their PIN number on a piece of paper.
Deactivated employee
This option removes an employee from the list seen by other employees, but the administrator can still see him. We recommend that you always use this option for employees who no longer work for your company. This way, you keep all the information about this employee and have the ability to create a payroll report for all the previous pay periods. This option is also very useful if you need to deactivate an employee temporarily. Once he comes back, just uncheck the Deactivated employee box and his name will become visible again.
Note: The deactivated employee will no longer appear in the list once you turn off administrator options.
Required Info - Payroll
Hourly basis
Select this setting if this employee will be paid on an hourly basis. Enter his regular and overtime hourly wages in the fields below. The overtime wages will be applied according to your overtime settings that can be found on the Payroll tab in Manage - Options.
Salary basis
Select this setting if this employee will be paid on a salary basis. Enter his salary and the salary pay period in the fields below. Your payroll reports will be calculated accordingly. Please note that while salaried employees can clock IN and OUT, their payroll reports will not be influenced by the number of their working hours.
John Smith is a salaried employee with a monthly salary of $1200. Enter 1200 in the Salary field and select Monthly in the Pay period field. If you create a payroll report for this employee for a period of 2 months, his earnings will be calculated as 2 x $1200 = $2400.
Credit paid holidays
Check this options if your company would like to automatically credit this employee for paid holidays. This will work only if you have enabled specific holidays. You can edit and enable holidays from the list of paid holidays on the Holidays tab in Manage - Options.
Additional Info - Employee Profile
This tab allows you to store optional data about your employee such as:
Social security number
Employment status
Birth date
Hire date
Notes: can be used the store any other info about the employee
This tab allows you to store your employee's address and contact info. This information can be optionally shown on payroll reports by checking the Include employee address and tax withholding info option when creating a single or multiple payroll report.
Tax Info - Basic Withholding Info
This tab allows you to store info related to tax withholding. This information can be optionally shown on payroll reports to help you with your payroll preparation. You can do so by checking the Include employee address and tax withholding info option when creating a single or multiple payroll report.