Renewing Your Annual License
If you currently own a
LionClock license, rest assured that you made a good investment.
Your LionClock license needs to be renewed every 12 months to keep using
LionClock. As your renewal date approaches, LionClock will display a
friendly reminder, prompting you to renew your license:

Step by
Step Instructions for Renewing Your Annual License
1) Simply click the
"Renew License" button and you will be taken to your Online Account.
In some cases, if you didn't
initially supply LionClock with your account login info, you will be
asked to enter your username and password to access your Online Account.
Your login info was originally emailed to you automatically right after
you purchased your LionClock license. The email is entitled
"LionClock Purchase Information". Search your emails to find it.
Alternatively, if you don't
remember your Online Account login info,
visit this page to request it by entering the email address that you
originally entered when purchasing LionClock. The login info will then
be emailed to that email address.
If that doesn't work, we
would be glad to locate your login info manually and email it back to
you. Contact us by filling this
quick form.
2) Once you login to your
Online Account, go to the Renew License tab and select the first
product from the list that says Annual License. Then, select your
payment method and click the Order button.

3) After purchasing, you
will see a confirmation page. Click on the Login link and you should see
your new license key. Then, go to step number 4.
Re-login to your account and
on the Main Page tab you will see a link called Get your license key
for LionClock as shown below:
Click on Get your license key for LionClock and you will see your
new license key. Then, go to step number 4.

4) Open your LionClock
software and login as administrator via the File - Activate
Administrator Functions menu. Go to the Help - License
Information menu and click the Enter New License Key
5) Copy and paste your
new license key including dashes and also enter your Online Account
username and password and click OK.
Congratulations! Your
license has been successfully renewed. If something didn't go right,
contact us and we would be glad to help.